NCSA Mosaic -- September 10, 1993 Demo
Welcome to NCSA Mosaic, an information browser developed at the
National Center for Supercomputing Applications. This document is an
interactive hypermedia tour of Mosaic's capabilities.
Disclaimer: This tour assumes that you have good network
connectivity, that you have properly installed Mosaic and appropriate
external viewers, and that the various information servers (at NCSA
and elsewhere) the document references are alive and functioning
Every time you see this icon:
you can click on it to hear an audio clip
narrating the current topic (if you have a workstation with
appropriately configured audio hardware and software).
Welcome to Mosaic from Marc Andreessen at NCSA:
What is NCSA
- Mosaic is an Internet-based global hypermedia browser that
allows you to discover, retrieve, and display documents and data
from all over the Internet.
- Mosaic is part of the World Wide Web project, a distributed
hypermedia environment originated at CERN and collaborated upon
by a large, informal, and international design and development
- Mosaic helps you explore a huge and rapidly expanding universe of
information and gives you powerful new capabilities for
interacting with information.
What is global
Exemplary Applications
The best -- and
most enjoyable -- way to learn what Mosaic can do is to view some of
the exemplary global hypermedia applications on the Internet. These
applications were developed by people all over the world and
demonstrate the power and flexibility of advanced multimedia-capable
desktop computers linked to high-speed reliable global networking.
The examples listed here are meant to be representative, not
U. S. High-Performance Computing and Communications
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Arts and Humanities -- Education and Research
Science, Technical, and Professional Information
Industry, Business, and Publishing
- O'Reilly and Associates' groundbreaking new hypermedia magazine,
Global Network
Navigator (GNN) (see also alternate link).
Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School is
serving an example hypermedia version of the NASDAQ
Financial Executive Journal. See here
for the toplevel interface, here
for the cover art, here
for an interview with William S. Lerach, a Partner in Milberg,
Weiss, Bershad, Hynes & Lerach, etc.
- An experiment in hypermedia publishing: excerpts and
audio from a book reading by author Paul Kafka of his novel
LOVE Enter.
- A hypermedia
interface to Internet Talk Radio. (The more complete
NRL-based archive is here.)
- Berkeley Software Design
Inc., a small technology company that develops and sells a
variant of Unix for personal computers, is serving a wide variety of information on
itself, its products, and its technical activities. For
example, the company is serving a hypermedia version of the
complete documentation set for its BSD/386 operating system for
use by current and potential customers alike. Prospective customers
can also read all about the lawsuit filed against BSDI
by Unix System Laboratories, peruse complete
technical specifications and common
questions and answers for BSD/386, and even download an order
- Another small company, online: A hypermedia server is now running
at Morning Star
Technologies, a company that makes low-cost connectivity
products, like demand-dialed PPP/SLIP for UNIX systems and
T1-capable routers.
- A big company, online: Digital
Equipment Corporation's hypermedia server.
Other Prototypical Hypermedia Applications
- Sandia
National Laboratories. Included is information on the Technology
Information Environment for Industry (TIE-IN) program.
- Honolulu Community
College, including the incredible, sound-enabled dinosaur
exhibit, their campus map,
information on SeniorNet
and information on faculty and
publications and student
- There is now a "clickable"
plan of the city of Passau, Germany online, as well as a guided
tour of Passau during World War II (in German).
- The National
Performance Review -- Vice President Al
Gore's report on reinventing government -- is online in
hypermedia form. (You can also search
the plaintext version via WAIS.)
- The St. Olaf College hypermedia
server has a hypermedia interface to US
State Department Travel Advisories and Consular Information
- The MIT AI lab has a hypermedia server here. Included is
information on library catalogs
and information, computing
resources, lots of TeXinfo
pages, fun
stuff in Boston, and more.
Other Internet Information Resources
- Here's a database of 1993
White House press releases (recent to within about 48 hours) at
North Carolina. Here's a query on Socks
the cat, and here are queries on the terms Internet
and technology
Here are all White House releases mentioning Janet
Reno, Henry
Cisneros, Donna
Shalala, David
Gergen, Mark
Gearan, and Lloyd
Bentsen. Here's the
President and Vice President's remarks during their February 1993
visit to Silicon Graphics. Here are all the releases that
mention Hillary
Clinton and Al
Gore, and an exhaustive summary of the the
Vice President's first 100 days. Here's remarks
by the President and Vice President in presenting the National
Performance Review, September 7.
- A Gopher server at the University of North
Carolina has Bill Clinton's proposed
1993 budget entirely online. First you can read the
President's Budget Message and then you can start exploring the
- Budget Authority By Agency
- This document lays out the amount of money the various government agencies have the authority to spend from now through 1998.
- Federal Government Totals
- Here is the breakdown of federal funds across the entire government.
- Federal Programs by Agency
- Here's a breakdown of the money spent by various agencies. For example:
- Total Budget Summary
- Here's a summary of overall federal spending.
- The Electronic
Newsstand is now online and serving lots of interesting
stuff, including the complete text of The New
Republic (for example, see VOICE
OF AMERICA -- Overhearing the Internet, a recent New
Republic article by Robert Wright).
- Here's the National
Science Foundation's Gopher server. Here's the September 1993
NSF Bulletin; here's a schedule of NSF
Advisory Committee Meetings; here's a summary of the
NSF's Electronic Proposal Submission Project.
Here's the NSF awards
WAIS database. Here's queries on that database for the terms parallel
and genome;
here's an example NSF
grant award from that database. Here are awards
made to Herbert Edelsbrunner of the UIUC Department of Computer
Science; here's the
award that established CNIDR.
Here's the NSF publications
database; here's a query on the term NSFnet.
Here's the document entitled A Foundation for the 21st Century: A Progressive Framework for the
National Science Foundation, a report of the National Science
Board Commission on the future of NSF, dated November 20, 1992.
- InterNIC Info
Source: A Gopher server run by the InterNIC; this is a good
place to find general Internet-related information.
- This machine recently suffered a catastrophic disk crash; it
is down for repairs: Here we tie into the UIUC Weather Machine, a Gopher
server running at the Department of Atmospheric Sciences. The Weather
Machine makes available up-to-the-minute satellite photos, weather
forecasts, and computer visualizations of weather phenomena -- for
example, here's a
computer-enhanced satellite photo of the Eastern seaboard; here's
visualization of temperature, wind direction, and other data for the
United States; finally, here's a
surface analysis and radar summary for the United States. All of
these images are typically updated each hour, automatically, as new
National Weather Service data comes in. Finally, here's the current
area forecast.
Some other early web docs you might enjoy:
jonm: "Personally, I have always enjoyed going back to the beginning and
reading about the first times that Mosaic got yelled at for violating
I entertain myself at times with the fish picture.
The demos no longer work, but it's still fun to read.
The original Mosaic Communication Corporation home page with progressive gifs.
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